Wills and estate planning made easy

Clearwill understands the importance of preparing for the future. Our Geelong estate planning lawyers help you achieve peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes.

Prepared by us

We review your instructions and our Geelong lawyers prepare your will.

Executed with us

We witness the signing of your will to ensure it is validly executed.

Kept safe by us

We will securely store your will and provide you with copies.

Transparent pricing

Our wills are prepared for a simple fee you will be provided with upfront.

Prepared for you

We prepare bespoke wills in accordance with your unique wishes.

Complete peace of mind

We prepare wills and estate plans that protect you and your family.

Simple Will

Starting from $550

Simple will prepared by our lawyers
Execution of will at our office
Safe storage by our law firm
Copies of will provided

Will and Power of Attorney

Starting from $770

Simple will prepared by our lawyers
Enduring power of attorney
Medical treatment decision maker
Execution of documents at our office
Safe storage by our law firm
Certified copies of documents provided

Wills prepared by Geelong lawyers

Clearwill prepares wills for individuals and couples. We have extensive experience in estate planning and can assist you with preparing a will that meets your unique needs.

Our Geelong wills lawyers also assist with preparing enduring powers of attorney and medical treatment decision maker documents, which allow trusted individuals to make financial, legal, and medical decisions on your behalf.

We are committed to providing personalised service and will take the time to understand your unique circumstances. We are dedicated to helping you achieve peace of mind knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of according to your wishes.

Clearwill is offered by Geelong law firm Alexander ILP.

We have been serving the Geelong community for five years.

How it works

We will spend some time getting to know you and take your instructions so that we can prepare a will and estate plan that reflects your wishes.

Our Geelong lawyers will prepare your will and other estate planning documents. When they are ready you will receive drafts for your review and feedback.

We will make any further amendments as necessary before inviting you to our Geelong office to execute your will and other documents with a lawyer.

If appointing attorneys and medical treatment decision makers, we will write to them inviting to accept their appointment and return their acceptance forms to us.

After we have received acceptances from your appointees we will finalise your documents and provide you with certified copies. We will hold the originals for safe keeping.


Level 1
87 Little Malop Street
Geelong VIC 3220




03 5273 0285